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SEO Audit Steps Related to On Page SEO

Brandconn UK

SEO campaign is alright and so is the digital marketing campaign, but for both of them to work well, it is important that they both are examined after some intervals. SEO professionals from SEO agency Darlington give it the name of SEO audit and it mainly involves ensuring that the best practices are followed and that the campaign is going in the right direction. A number of steps can be taken as a part of the SEO auditing process and we have covered some of them here in this blog post.

Checking On-Page Optimisation

In terms of onpage SEO; expert from digital marketing agency Darlington will check the following things.

Page Focuses On One Keyword Phrase

The homepage can have its focus on different as well as several keywords, but internal pages should be based on just one keyword phrase and this would be checked in the audit. The reason is that focussing one more than one dilutes the importance of both the keywords and as a result, search engines don’t pick that page because of uncertainty.

The Most Appropriate Keyword Phrase For The Page

As a part of SEO audit, the experts of SEO agency Darlington will also check whether the keyword phrase used for a particular page is the most appropriate and ideal keyword. They will use Internet based tools like Google Keyword Tool to make sure that only the most appropriate keyword is used for every page of the website.

Keyword Phrase Included In Each Page’s URL

SEO experts from the chosen digital marketing agency will also ensure that the keyword used for a particular page is also added in its URL in lower case letters. They will make sure that the phrases are separated by hyphens and underscores to ensure its optimum readability.

Keyword Phrase Included In The Title Tag And Description Tag On Each Page

They will also ensure that the title of that page also includes that keyword phrase and then, also the brief description as this keyword phrase.

Apart from this, they will also ensure that the keywords are included in H1 and H2 heading tags to make sure that they send signals to the search engines mentioning them clearly about the page’s content.


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